Articles and reports related to the office, work methods and work environment issues are published below. We touch on topics such as workplace strategy, hybrid working methods, activity-based working methods, change management and project management regarding the transition to a new way of working.
Learn more about topics related to workplace strategy, work environment and working methods
Insights Through Participation
Behavioural changes aren’t easy to make. Yet they are crucial if a business or organisation wishes to implement a new…
Individual reactions to change
Workplace Principle 5: Insights Through Participation A change to a more flexible way of working can have significant positive effects…
Change across different levels
Workplace Principle 5: Insights Through Participation Getting employees involved in a change from the very beginning provides a vital tool…
Encourage useful participation
Workplace Principle 5: Insights Through Participation Employee participation in a workplace transformation is important. It can generate useful data for…
Resistance to change
Workplace Principle 5: Insights Through Participation Moving from a traditional way of working to a more flexible one implies a…
Understanding the scope of the change
Workplace Principle 5: Insights Through Participation Participation is key in any workplace change. By encouraging employee participation early on, a…
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