Articles and reports related to the office, work methods and work environment issues are published below. We touch on topics such as workplace strategy, hybrid working methods, activity-based working methods, change management and project management regarding the transition to a new way of working.
Learn more about topics related to workplace strategy, work environment and working methods
Biophilia – A Key to Improved Office Design
To create healthy and pleasant office work environments, the focus needs to be on designing functional and appealing workplaces. In…
Understanding the scope of the change
Workplace Principle 5: Insights Through Participation Participation is key in any workplace change. By encouraging employee participation early on, a…
Measuring positioning
Workplace Principle 1: Right-sizing At a workplace, positioning data maps out how often different spaces are used by those at…
Office type, performance and well-being
Dr. Seddigh defended his doctoral thesis in 2015 with the title Office type, performance and well-being. A study of how…
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