
What is a workplace analysis

A workplace analysis aims to identify the needs of the work environment. The workplace analysis can then be used to develop a workplace strategy that includes a proposal for working methods such as hybrid, activity-based, or fixed-seat offices, as well as suggestions for space and how the office can be designed. The workplace analysis is usually built up by a workshop with the management or steering group, activity analysis, manager interviews, occupancy measurement, attendance measurement, cooperation patterns, mobility profile, and physical environment analysis.

A workplace analysis takes between 1 to 3 months to complete depending on the size and availability of the organization.

With the workplace analysis as a basis, you also get an understanding of how smooth or demanding a possible change can be for the different parts of the business. This understanding enables the organization to put in place appropriate interventions to facilitate change.

Trained workplace strategists have access to tools and methods for conducting workplace analyses and developing workplace strategies. Here you can find information about our Workplace Strategist certification training.

To find out more about the training or if you need a workplace strategist, please contact workplace strategist and change manager Aram Seddigh.

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