
Five principles for the development of a workplace strategy

Creating an effective work environment is about more than building a better office or changing to a new way of working. 

Instead, a strong workplace strategy considers how the office and ways of working can be designed to encourage productivity and wellbeing. This will change from organisation to organisation, and even between different groups within the same organisation. 

Based on workplace research, Aram Seddigh highlights five key principles to consider when developing a workplace strategy. 

The five principles

  • Right-sizing: designing the office for the right amount of people and types of activities 
  • Diversify: creating different spaces for different activities and needs 
  • Facilitate Collaboration: create the right workplace conditions for employees to collaborate with ease
  • Increase Adaptability: make it easy for employees to work from the spaces they need and make smart choices
  • Insights Through Participation: involve employees in the change process in order to improve the outcome
Our five principles are intended to help you create a unique workplace strategy.

Building your own workplace strategy

Within each principle there are several factors to consider. Our articles not only discuss the research behind each tenant, but also offer concrete ways to realise a workplace strategy. We encourage you to explore each principle. 

References are taken from the book Workplace Strategy for the Flexible Office by Aram Seddigh. For more information on the book and workplace strategy in general, click here

These principles provide the basis of our workplace strategist training. You can take part in it here.

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