
Lectures and workshops

Since 2012, we have built up our knowledge of the work environment and new ways of working, partly with our involvement in research and partly in the assignments we have carried out. We often convey this knowledge through lectures and workshops. Our efforts can be carried out physically, digitally and hybrid.


Dr. Aram Seddigh

Dr. Seddigh has a Ph.D. in Work and Organisational Psychology, a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, and is a licensed psychologist. Dr. Seddigh is the CEO of WeOffice and also works as a workplace strategist, supporting organisations in developing and implementing workplace strategies. Dr. Seddigh is also a course leader for certification training for workplace strategists. He is frequently hired as a lecturer, seminar leader, change leader and project leader. Due to his vast knowledge in the field, Dr. Seddigh is frequently interviewed for newspaper reports and often appears on various podcasts about health, sustainability and the work environment, as well as on the radio (Swedish and international) and TV channels.


Sven Ostner

Sven är en erfaren arbetsplatsstrateg, projektledare, byggkonsult och arkitekt. Med sin omfattande kompetens från över 200 projekt, har han expertis inom planering, projektering och genomförande av projekt. Dessutom har han en stark vetenskaplig bakgrund inom arbetsplatsutformning, arkitekturpsykologi och neurodesign. Han är även medförfattare till böcker om hur gestaltning påverkar människors beteende, välmående och produktivitet. Ett särskilt intresse har Sven för att utforska samspelet mellan arkitektur och människors välbefinnande.


Are you facing an upcoming change to your office and working methods? Are you wondering how you can change your work environment to better support your business?  Our lectures can contribute with both inspiration and knowledge.

The knowledge we communicate during our lectures is based on relevant research findings and proven experience. We see it as part of our mission to convey a nuanced picture of work, enabling you to make conscious choices while minimising potential risks and maximising opportunities. Here you can read about the different modules that can be included in our lectures. Depending on your needs, we’ll put together content that is relevant to your gathering.

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  1. Decades of research - how different types of offices and work styles affect us

    What do current research findings say about how the office work environment and work styles impact employees’ health and performance? We present how challenges with respective designs can be limited and opportunities realized.

  2. Lead the change to a new work style

    Change is a natural part of our lives, yet it evokes many thoughts and emotions. This lecture presents perspectives to garner support for the change, facilitate the change journey for employees, and sustain desirable behaviours.

  3. Getting your employees back to the office

    Employees are a company’s most valuable asset, and despite efforts to bring them back to the office, many organizations find that employees are rare visitors. What is the reason for this and how can incentives be created to attract them back to the office?

  4. Stress-reducing office

    Prolonged stress decreases productivity and can ultimately lead to illness. We present how an office environment based on neuroscience, architectural psychology, and biophilia can reduce stress while promoting well-being and productivity.

  5. Should it be white or grey? The untapped possibilities of colour psychology!

    Colour is not only aesthetically pleasing. Colour is underestimated. Colour unconsciously affects us more than we realize. Based on neuroscience, we present how colour schemes can support different activities in the workplace.

  6. Offices for individual differences in personality and cognition

    Individual characteristics are often highlighted as an important factor in how we thrive and perform in different types of offices and work styles. But what significance do personality differences have, and what demands do they place on the design of the work environment and work styles?


Depending on where you are in your transition, we have a selection of workshops to support you. Our workshops can help at the start with setting the framework for the project, supporting you in formulating the project’s vision and goals, or supporting employees to reflect on their way of working and how the future office can function. We always tailor our workshops to you and your organisation. Here we present a selection of the workshops we are usually hired to carry out.

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  1. Define your 'why'

    “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how,” philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said. And quite rightly, a strong vision that is rooted in the company’s challenges and opportunities can give stability to the project and facilitate change for employees. During this workshop, we support your management team or steering group to develop your vision and fill the concepts with relevant content.

  2. How to create participation!

    Creating participation in projects related to changing working methods is a key success factor. Participation gives employees better insight and creates predictability, but above all, it gives the project group the opportunity to understand the needs of the business and undo knots that hinder the organisation’s efficiency. In this workshop, we go through your intended process and discuss how and around what we can create participation.

  3. My Day at Work

    During this workshop, employees get the opportunity to get acquainted with different types of work areas that often appear in a flexible office. Then they get the opportunity to choose which areas they prefer for each activity or task. This workshop not only gives employees an understanding of how the new office can be used, but also gives the project team an insight into employee preferences.

  4. We have our new way of working - which activities suit which areas?

    Before the transition to the new way of working, it is wise to make a comprehensive presentation of how the physical, digital, organisational and social work environments are intended to work. During this workshop, we meet the employees and go through the new way of working, and present how it can help them succeed in their assignments.

  5. Opportunities and risks in the project and the upcoming change

    It is possible for the workplace strategy to not have focused on risks and opportunities involved in the project. Risks can be about conditions related to change management or the project’s ability to stick to a schedule and budget. During this workshop, we go through risks and opportunities with a focus on how they can be managed or realised. This workshop is usually held with the project team.

Here's how it looks!

What people say

Thanks to Dr. Seddigh. An inspiring and well-read lecturer!

Aram delivered in an easy-to-understand, stripped back way with a lot of humour. He both confirmed and challenged all of us who were present.

I also had the pleasure of handling the booking with Aram and the collaboration went perfectly. Many thanks!

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