
New book – Workplace Strategy for the Flexible Office

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With this book, Dr. Aram Seddigh presents a guide for creating and executing a strategy for a flexible workplace that meets the diverse needs of its employees. It focuses primarily on hybrid and activity-based ways of working, but the method can even be applied to other workplaces.

The first part of the book lays the theoretical groundwork for workplace strategy, linking to the current state of research and the shifting conditions of a variety of workplaces. The second, more practical part demonstrates – with plenty of examples – the methods and tools used in the development and implementation of a workplace strategy.

This book covers a variety of office types and ways of working: offices with designated seats, flex offices, activity-based offices and ways of working, and agile offices and ways of working. The positive effects at a workplace are grounded in five principles for a way of working that adapts to each organisation. Dr. Seddigh highlights these principles as Right-sizing, Diversify, Facilitate Collaboration, Increase Adaptability, and Insights Through Participation. To demonstrate how a workplace strategy can be implemented in practice, the book gives examples from two different types of organisations: the IT company and manufacturing company, all of which address the shifting conditions and needs of organisations today. In the final part of the book, Dr. Seddigh gives us a glimpse of what we can expect from the workplaces of the future.

The book offers both a solid theoretical foundation and practical tools for implementation, with examples showcasing different needs and methods adapted to each organisation. It can be used as course literature in a variety of educational contexts, including vocational schools and colleges.

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Arbetsplatsstrateg Aram Seddigh

About Aram Seddigh
Aram Seddigh has a Ph.D. in work and organisational psychology. Dr. Seddigh is also a certified psychologist and economist. His doctoral thesis, tied to the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University, focused on how different types of offices and ways of working can impact employees’ health and productivity. Since then he has worked as a workplace strategist, change manager and project manager at WeOffice, where he has supported organisations in creating and implementing workplace strategies with focus on wellbeing and productivity. Dr. Seddigh is also certified workplace strategist and the course leader for the course.

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